Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God blessed America to bless the name of God

Even though it appears no one is reading my blog... I will continue to write because there is no one to shut me up.

Can you imagine what it was like to be Jesus when He was healing people? I mean every one was coming to Him with every infirmity and ailment. What if you had no power to heal people but they believed you did? I saw a girl today with club feet, that has been offered an application to the Shriner's Hospital. But, I guess that's to far in the story to start it. We left Tegusigalpa (affectionately known as Tegoose) this morning for San Antonio, a big city about the size of my hometown. Not the big one to the north the one on my address when you send me a letter. We then traveled down a rock road, accessible only by 4 wheel drive and sufficient ground clearance, to Jicoman. Parking a new truck in front of the school peaked the interest of every student, and then not uno pero dos gringos stepped out of the truck and one had hair como chiles. Where were they going? They're going to Cindy to tell her they can make her feet well. Word spread like wildfire. Cindy and her sister Diana were dressed in their Sunday best. Even though Phil spoke his best Spanish, it had to be translated into the local dialect to be understood. Not only was Cindy going to be made well, she might go to los Estados Unidos. The entire village paraded to the small house, large by the village's standards, and crowded the windows doors and living room. Cindy sat like a doll in her wheel chair that was un regalo de Dios while Phil asked her if she wanted to get better. 

Request poured in for the gringos to see if others could be made better. Children piled in the back of the truck to go to the people of the village. Jose, whom the doctors said had polio, had what could be MS and Azburger's. For 20 minutes, he was the focus. Excitement was evidenced by fits that came over him when he tried to speak. Then we had to pick the truck up and turn it around. There was the old woman who couldn't walk well, and the man who had a dislocated, atrophed arm, and more, who mistakenly asked me as though I understood Spanish perfectly at the speed of light. There was nothing we could do for these hurting people. I didn't have the gift to heal them.

School was cancled early on the account that the director needed a ride into town and the children could ride in the back of a truck to there homes along the road some five miles or more. 

There is much pain in the world and I have done nothing to be born in the best country, the great hope of world, the city of light on a hill. Yeah, I know, screw America and everything, but we have been given such blessings by birth. These blessings, education, nutrition, hope for a better tomorrow, are not ours to hoard. They are ours to give to the tired, the poor, the huddled masses of the teeming shores. No, we do not have to bring everyone to the USA; we bring the USA to them. We share our knowledge, our bounty, our hope. We offer not hand outs but hand ups. It is dehumanizing and a form of slavery to give people what they need without teaching them to do for themselves. You give a man a fish so that he knows what a fish is, and then you teach him to fish so that he can have fish when you are gone. 

Jesus had so much power that He didn't use. He used what He did wisely to have the most effect. So that we would yearn for the day when ther will be no more sorrow, no more pain. 

namaste/ Dios le protega

1 comment:

  1. So...A blackberry can not do everything. I tried to post a comment, and to no avail, it would not let me sign in.

    I like how you have left the country, and are writing on this on a consistant basis. Anyways, you better keep this up, since I need a way to stay in touch.
