Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hola! Como estan?

A primero Yo pienso escribir este blog post en Espanol, porque estoy en Honduras, pero despues del dia, I realize how long ago yo fue in Spanish 4. Rather, than try to translate everything from English to Spanish and then back, I'm trying to think en Espanol. However, that creates holes in my thoughts when I no conozco la palabra (much like this post). This results in most thoughts resembling an essay that has been shot at medium range by a shotgun. Only a few of the words are recognizable, some are only fragments of what they are intended to be, and then some are completely blown to smithereens. I catch about every fifth word in conversation. That means I understand just enough to know the subject but not enough to make a coherent thought and comment. Reading is much easier and the ration is flipped. That's right I can usually get four out of five words with a fudge factor. 

The trip has already been eventful. On the plane ride, we sat next to a Honduran that had been to Iraq and Afghanistan, but wouldn't or couldn't say what he did there. That's right I sat next to a.) a mercenary, b.) a spy, c.) a special ops. Yeah he probably could've killed five time before I crumpled to the ground in the tight quarters of the airplane. But, I had been up since 5:00 and I didn't care. My first meal in Honduras was very authentic as we waited for the rental truck. Como una haburguesa doble con queso y papas fritas de Wendy's. Ok, so it wasn't very authentic, but that was all they had in the aeropuerta. We drove across Honduras to Santa Rosa de Copan. If Chattanooga was in the tropics, it would be similar to Honduras. The craggy mountains are lush and green. Phil and I shared a candlelit dinner at restaurant this St. Valentine's day. We walked to the central park and talked to a family next to a line of street food vendors. For a second, I could almost here Tony Bourdain's cynical voice espousing some optimistic universal truth, in a way only one who put's on a pessimistic front can. Well now I'm back in the hotel. I was able to call my girlfriend but the the network is full and I have spotty service. That means, I can't tell my parents I didn't meet a fiery demise in the Gulf of Mexico. So, if anyone reads this tonight, try to let them know I'm quite alive and well and that I tried to call them.

namaste, vaya con Dios

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