Monday, March 30, 2009

Passion and the Soup Line

Sorry that it's been a long time folks. I did return safely from Honduras, even though I made it seemed like I had been shang haied in the middle of it by not posting.

Too many things have happened since the last post to write them all. Every few days an idea for a post would pop into my head and I would wile away the time until I forgotten the post only to recount it right as I got in bed. Of course, then forgetting it by morning. This would continue for a few days until the passion for the post had gone. Thus, removing any desire for writing the post when it was remembered at an appropriate time.

I am a passionate person, and I am a thoughtful person. My ideas are my identity. If I am not passionate about an idea, then I really don't focus on it.

Although another problem is I am one of the millions of Americans that is a victim of this economy. Yeah, I said victim. McDonald's isn't hiring right now, that's a problem. Some fat-cat, ponzi-scheming, knuckled-headed, bull-pucky, Wall St. moron has killed the economy. And now we're all falling. Some 40% of Capitol Hill also wants the economy to stay dead. I really don't think any politician is reading this, but on the off-chance they are... PLEASE PUT ASIDE YOUR DIFFERENCES AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM AND DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT THE SOLUTIONS PUT ON THE FLOOR. That's the job of anonymous bloggers like me. And, I'd much rather gripe about action than watch the House and Senate figure out which of the Big 3 to put down. (So long Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep)

I guess the big reason for that last convoluted paragraph and my lack of passion as of late is not having a job. Even though I claim I'm a free spirit, I need some structure in my life. I don't like getting out of bed when I have nothing to do. Sleeping late, watching TV, not going outside... I'm becoming what I hate. You get a little discouraged after three months of no's and some twenty or so applications later. (As an aside, why can't business just accept resumes instead of making me write down my address, phone number, and last three jobs? I mean good grief, my resume looks nicer than your crappy photocopied application that I will fill with my chicken-scratch. Just ask for a resume, which will tell you more, and give me a questionnaire.) Not only that, but I'm trying to start raising money for the Internship and everyone is losing their jobs.

Any way, I want to end on a happy note so that this isn't a completely depressing post. I did get to work today, cleaning out gutters and what not. So, I'm a little tired and I am motivated to post. See, I work and get to share with all you people.

vaya con Dios

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