Friday, February 13, 2009

Leaving (again)

I go through phases of life. I went through a Star Wars phase, and was a complete dork. I went through an island phase of life. Even though I don't really like the beach. I learned to play ukulele and decorated my room in an island theme. It looks really cool even though I designed it. Then there were the other such phases that have come and gone.

Currently, I'm in a leaving phase. Everyday of my life it seems that I am leaving somewhere and pulling at heart strings every time. In Virginia, my buddy and I parted ways knowing we would see each other again. Also, the campus minister, his wife, and I developed and odd kinship in less than a week. In Chattanooga, I renewed a friendship that could only last a week before I came back to Athens. And of course, my parents had a hard time with me leaving again. In Athens, my short presence caused all my friends to vie for time. And now, I am leaving Honduras. This trip is my capstone. It concludes two months of living out of suitcases and I guess begins a new phase of my life. Where I will have a daily routine to keep me occupied.

Or maybe not...

vaya con Dios

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