Friday, July 10, 2009

Seasons of Mentors

As I look back on my life, I realize there have been men of God mentoring me at the right times to guide me where to go. And, as they come in like a mist they are gone.

Chad always wrote his lessons on the white board in the teen room. The bible lessons became more art, painted with different Expo markers, they flowed across the board, connected by sweeping arrows pointing the order of the lesson. He introduced me to the deeper meanings of those Bible stories I learned in Sunday school. More importantly, he cared about us the students. We each felt like we had our own unique relationship with him.

Steve's sermons were always didactic. He had great command of vocal dynamics. Crescendoeing towards his point with his hand drumming the podium. Forget finding the meat of Scripture, he sucked the marrow from the bones of the gospels, epistles, and prophets. Spending several weeks on the profundity of Jesus being a priest in the order of Melchezdik.

Jack spoke in more relational terms, preferring common sense and using did-you-knows to accent his lessons. Always using the Word as a two-edged sword to pierce to the heart. He never intended to make you cry, but you did anyway, and sometimes he did too. Mentoring me as one who always asked questions and not liking simple cop-out answers. He would show me any tidbit he would come across. I can ask him, "What have you learned recently?" and I will get an amazing lesson on God and life. When I asked what he thought of my desire to be a full-time minister, he didn't ask if I had thought this through. He gave me sound advice on how to be gracious and prepared. To this day, I think of him when asked for a reference because I know what he thinks of me.

Uncle Bubba has always been by favorite uncle, and he only grown more important. He stands in shaded contrast to the other men. He is one of the people I wish to emulate, because of his understanding of people, and more specifically my family. I can talk to him when I need an outside opinion on how to deal with my family because he knows our warts and hidden scars. His honest desire to meet people as they are impresses me.

Barrett took me as a frightened freshman and let me see the freedom God offered in His word. Through him I met Jim and Jake, who led me through that tumultuous first year away from all I had known. I remember the day I knew GCSC was where I would stay. I had a rough day, went to the center, and asked if they could pray with me. Each dropped what he was doing and we prayed together. The General opened his apartment to let me escape my roommate and his girlfriend, and introduced me to CS Lewis. Troy brothered me through Fiji and learning to engage people to lead them to Jesus, and ultimately took me as a friend.

Donnie asked me if I wanted to have a Bible study with him. We went through Luke and discovered that the Bible is all about Jesus, even the stuff about Jesus... is about Jesus. (I know it doesn't make sense, maybe that's another blog post). We spent an hour each Monday in Luke like a cotton gin, combing through it. But before that, we spent an hour talking out our weeks in our booth at Barbarito's where we were recognized as regulars.

But this entry was not brought on by any of these men. Each worthy of a solo entry, but the next man is honored because he won't be around me much longer. Yeah, there are influences I haven't put here, my dad, Chris, Mr. Ingram, Watson, and others. Many of those above did not recieve the review they deserve. But, I want to save the last space in this post for ...

Fred came to the GCSC at the right time. We wanted to delight in sharing with others, but we had no clue how to do that. He took me and increased my view of scripture. We rubbed the wrong way sometimes, and we called each other on the carpet. I could tell him he upset me and he could do the same so that we could work it out. He showed me how to disciple people and the importance of looking outside the church of Christ for growth spiritually and numerically (what a revolutionary concept). Fred never let us be lazy as a ministry, he knew we could keep going and had more energy than we thought. He always made sure to validate the way we felt even if that feeling was irrational. If he read this he would say that it God who did this and he was only a conduit of the LORD's blessings. But, I think God is proud of Fred and would want him to take a little credit for saving souls and lives at UGA. Fred, Alison, Ian vaya con Dios I hope God blesses your work in Amarillo and you are a blessing to that church. (Sentimental post over)

vaya con Dios

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