Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm a statistic

So I was watching the usual liberal-bent media shows. And, the politicians and talking heads are bringing up the old battle that basically began the "permanent" (thank goodness) majority. That's right health care reform is being waved as a banner over the heads of the tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. While others parade and drag it around like .... well this part was going to include a not so obscure reference to a terrible time when American soldiers corpses were displayed behind moving vehicles. On second thought even as terrible as some people are arguing health-care reform its not worth desecrating the life of someone's son, brother, friend.
Sorry about that.
Some people talk about health-care reform as if it is a way to score points politically. And, here's where it hit me... I'm in the news. Now the only times I've been in the news are as follows: I read the 2nd most books of anyone my age at the local library one summer, I was a cub reporter at Riverbend two years in a row, my classmates and I did a study on fish"deaths" (moronic reporter) in the N. Oconee River, and I worked in the Botanical Garden wetlands with a class. But back to the point.

I don't have healthcare. Let me put that a different way, I don't have an insurance company to go to bat for me in the hospital. I could, while riding my bike in the bike lane, wearing a helmet, and obeying all the traffic laws, get hit by a car, break a bone or two (if I'm lucky) and then owe someone $50,000.
I am looking for coverage so that I'm not uninsured for long. But, when I get it I'll be paying the most of any country for 15th rate coverage. Yeah, America isn't even second-rate. That goes to one of those pinko-socialist countries that has "horrendous" healthcare.
In the meantime, there are some doctors who, out of charity, don't take the copay from their patients because they don't have money, yet need the care. Why can't we socialize our system so that we all get good, fair healthcare. We cannot leave anyone behind and we will help our fellow man instead of seeing him as a drain on society

I'm a statistic and I was on TV tonight.

namaste, vaya con Dios

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