Monday, June 22, 2009

Facebook Hate

So, the incredibly anonymous blogger Fiyaman (to whom I'm related), left for paradise today. No Sarah, not Alaska! At approximately 1:30 tomorrow morning he will arrive on the island of Oahu by way of Phoenix and Maui. Yeah he's roughing it among the hula dancers, surfers, and ukuleles. I bet he gets lei'ed as soon as he gets off the plane.

I report this not only to wish him Godspeed and traveling mercies, but to use him as an inspiration for this post. His (as of late, silent) blog was dedicated to espousing his opinions on the political discourse of this country and his views on how this shapes our lives. That being said, some of his opinions are strong and not everyone agrees with them.

I've recently been asked by several facebook acquaintances to join groups decrying certain causes. Most of these groups do not line up with my political philosophy, but that is only one of the reasons I don't join them. The second reason I don't join these groups (including groups that do align with my philosophy), is that these groups demonize the opposing opinion. I recieved an invite this morning for "The Welfare Box" facebook group. The premise seems pretty benign and even innovative on the surface, until you read that these people will work for less than minimum wage. Curious, I looked at the rest of the groups my friend, who invited me, belonged to. It was a myriad of basically "hate" groups. Not skin head, KKK, Optomist International hate groups, but a couple of political I hate this person who is no longer running for presidential office, and a lot of "I hate this football team and question their sexual orientation" groups.

Next week, I will be a counselor at a rather conservative Bible Camp. It will be funny because, I won't be derided for my politics (which I try not to discuss), but for my choice of SEC football teams. Now, the irony of these arguments is that most of them will be perpetuated by 10-13 year olds who have never attended college. The major reason most of them cheer for this team is because of their parents, who most likely didn't attend the university they root for. I realize how convinient it is to dislike teams, especially since gator rhymes with hater (or in hacker termz g8r h8r). But, honestly why did one choose that school over your school. Simple, in-state tuition. I am going to support the Bulldogs because they represent UGA and the football team has no bearing on the value of my education.

But, while those kids choose their team based on their parents affiliation, I also realize they will hold world views based on their parents example. And while its kinda funny to join facebook groups like this, this, this (that's supposed to be a liberal hate link but just look up "I hate Bush", or this, what message are you spreading to your friends. Do we even think anymore when we say the word hate? Do we even remember what hate looks like when it manifests itself as discrimination, prejudice, gossip, and sophomoric facebook groups? Can we realize our worldviews are full of silent seething hate when we won't listen to the other side of the debate?
Honestly, this is what happens when you let little hate fester and pass it on to others.

What do you hate?

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