Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Whenever I had an assigned reading book in high school, I would go one of two places. A little study area in the basement or the bathroom. No one will bother you in the bathroom. If you're in you bedroom, people will bother you because you're in a place that allows a meeting. If you're in the bathroom, no one wants to catch you with your pants down (literally). Often (for fear of developing hemorrhoids), I would set the lid down on the toilet. It was quite nice: quiet, good light, and,if I needed to take a bathroom break, I was already there.

You can learn a lot about people from their bathrooms. Do they have dry or oily skin, maybe they have dandruff or acne? Is it a male's throne or are there feminine hygiene products under the sink. Maybe they have an exotic disease like dengue fever. I wear contacts and therefore have all the paraphernalia that goes along with that.

But also, you can tell about someone's personality. Do they not want to look old (hair dye and anti-age cream)? Do they think they are fat (diet pills)? What is their self-image? Are they a clean person? Some bathrooms are really ornate and are meant to be enjoyed, while some are utilitarian, and are only meant for the three S's (think about that for awhile it will come to you).

Regardless, you should feel better after coming out of a bathroom than you did going in (unless it's public restroom, ick) Your body expels the junk you consumed earlier in time. You wash yourself of the grime from the day. Maybe, VA is my bathroom. Yeah that's right, I'm taking a spiritual dump right now. I've been consuming education, experience, relationship, etc for the past 23 years. I'm absorbing the nutrition of this gluttonous feast I've been on in college and now I'm taking a big fiber pill to clean my system. It sounds kinda gross, but that made total since in my mind. After the ancient Jews used the bathroom they said a special prayer to YHWH because of this miraculous thing that just occured. They didn't know why they needed to do that, but God did. I guess every once in while we need to shower and remove all the sweat, dust, and grime we pick up from life. So here's to spiritual bathrooms, now go take a dump!

namaste, vaya con Dios

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