Monday, May 3, 2010


Exodus 3:14 "GOD said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.' Or rather, "I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE." This rather simplistic description of GOD Himself has confused me for most of my life. After all I am who I am, right? I don't think so.

As you look at the world, look at all the things vying to influence and change our opinions. I think at first most people will accuse politics and the press for being bigoted and unbalanced. While this may or may not be a fair assessment, these scapegoats are whipped too often and blamed for much of our intolerance. Rather, I think back to my days in elementary and middle school (painful as it were). I attended an elementary school where trend and fashion were closely observed. For a while it was pogs, another was surplus military berets, as well as Airwalks. I was never able to quite follow on these fashions quick enough. The only surplus store was in Brainerd and I couldn't justify a new pair of sneakers when my old ones still fit and had a full sole. But hey that's the point right. You're not cool unless you buy this product. I really don't have a problem with people purchasing products for their life and ensuring they look good. But, here's what happens, we create teams, us verses them. The OG's beating back the poseurs. Alienation for thinking differently or not adhering to collective thought. Heck, even thinking the same can be thrown in your face as a bad thing. Progressives being pissed that conservatives don't walk fast enough, conservatives irritated that the progressives move so fast. It all the same.

Here's the kicker, we revel in this steaming pile of crap. We celebrate it. We love it when two people bicker back and forth over something. Pretty much every network runs of this thought, from MSNBC to Fox News, MTV to ABC, any reality show, any comedian, any sport. It's all about bullying the other guy to see your point. You may say, "That's the way its always been, and always will be." If so, I challenge your faith in GOD and redemption. Case in point. If anyone calls me a "ginger" or tells me I "have no soul," I cannot be held responsible for what happens next. South Park has staked its success on telling people they are not ok. Christians, Muslims, interestingly not so much Jews (too many of them are lawyers), homosexuals, metrosexuals, and of course... redheads. Seriously!? I realize some people choose to believe certain things and others are trapped by tradition. I know there's a debate about whether or not homosexuality is a choice or genetic. But, people don't choose to be redhead, or blonde, or brunette, or white, or black, or Asian, Indian, Hispanic.

They are born this way.

They are who they are.

God telling us He is Who He is shows us how we should be comfortable and productive in the restraints of our bodies He created. I like to think I've been a free spirit most of my life, but I see the scars that it brings. I've been bullied and ridiculed, my self-esteem pulled from under me like a rug for others entertainment.

I once commented to a friend, "I wish I were normal." She asked why anyone would want that. I looked at her. She was pretty, popular, and quirky in that way that attracted both guys and girls to her, and I realized how she didn't understand the statement. I was uncomfortable with the me that was. The me that couldn't be taken off like a dated garment.

As we are asked to be like God by God, He says to us, live out of your heart not your closet.

And, "Be you who you are as 'I am who I am.'"

Vaya con DIOS

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