Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Yesterday, I joined the teeming millions of Americans who were returning Christmas gifts that did not fit, or weren't the right color, or were just the wrong thing. Similarly, I'm now catching up on this blog. The Christmas season was going to be fun. I had a series planned dealing with the Christmas season. But instead, like those after-Christmas sales, you ramblers get a three-for-one deal.

December 25th, Christmas Day
One thing I am always struck by is the amount of charity at Christmas-time. At what other point in the year is it not weird for a person to stand outside Wal-Mart, bell ringing to implore you to give to a worthy cause? At what other point in the year do Marines stop and collect toys to give to needy children? When else, do we look back at the past, let family pull our heart-strings, sing corny songs, throw parties, buy gifts?!

None other time comes close.

"For unto us this day, in the city of David, a child is born..." "And He will be called Emmanuel, 'God with us.'"

Yeah, I know the church picked this time of year to coincide with Mirtha and Saturnalia. But, whom do we celebrate? This isn't a "reason for the season" post. In fact, that's an honest question. Did you know? Black Friday is called such, because it is the day when most retail goes "in the black" for the fiscal year. Maybe we celebrate us. Our buying power. Our consumer culture. Where social standing is defined by possession. Parents put themselves in debt to satisfy their children. A pseudo-religion. The indebtedness is a near perfect analogy for the self-flagellation and sacrifice required by ancient religions. The consumer gods are satisfied by our self-inflicted wounds.

It makes me think, is the reason we are so charitable, because we feel so guilty. We empty some of our pocket change into red kettles. We buy a cheap toy so that every child can open something on Christmas morning. At Christmas, does our consumerism become so apparent, does the disparity between the haves and the have-nots become so clear, that we cannot help but be guilted into charity?

Is there hope from this cycle? Yes, because the promised gift of Christmas is freedom from the rat-race. Jesus begs us to stop shepherding, stop looking at stars, and visit a small child who will change the world.

December 26th, Feast of Stephen
You may want to listen to this during this post. Growing up, my brother and I always made fun of the day after Christmas. The calendar called it 'Boxing Day,' and it was for Canadians. I mean what are they doing hitting each other? Bwaahahahahah!

Well actually, it's the day that the poor would put out boxes and and collect alms. It is the feast day of Stephen. Stephen was one of the first deacons, charged with feeding the poor of Jerusalem. It is the day we honor his memory as martyr by continuing his work. Stephen engaged in his work so thoroughly he caught the attention of the Sanhedrin. When asked for a defense, he began with Abraham and preached the gospel to them, indicting them for working against God. He was then stoned.

When you work for peace, you will always be persecuted by someone. But in His last Beatitude, Jesus called those blessed and promised them the kingdom of Heaven. And, as Stephen's life was extinguished, Jesus stood from His throne and welcomed him.

December 28th, Feast of the Holy Innocents
The Twelve Days of Christmas is more than a silly song with a bunch of useless gifts. It's a collection of feast days of the church leading up to Epiphany on January 5th (or 6th depending on your tradition). On this day, we remember that Jesus' birth was marked by Herod killing a generation of boys. Boys whose crime was being born at the wrong time. Today, we still feel the effects of this massacre. Not necessarily Herod's, but there is a massacre of children today. Where their innocence is stolen by for them into the sex trade, or fighting wars, or gang violence.

But we can help. We can fight back. We can comfort Rachel's weeping.

"There is hope for your future, declares the LORD,
and your children shall come back to their own country."
Jeremiah 31:17

DIOS le bendiga

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Morton Square

Today I found out that I have a cracked and bruised tibula, bruised femur, radially torn meniscus, partially torn MCL, and a fully torn ACL. This reminds me of an old saying...

"When it rains, it pours."

It's this idea, that if one bad thing happens, a bunch of bad things happen. You know like, you never feel one raindrop. So here it is my rainstorm...

I have pretty crappy insurance, because I'm young and healthy. It pays for when I have a cough or something, not major things. It's a $3000 deductible. An MRI to tell you what's wrong with your knee cost $580 (it's not covered by my insurance). I'm going to have a brace made for my leg, and surgery to repair my ACL. I don't know how much that will cost yet.

"When it rains, it pours."

I have to wait for the bone to heal before I can have surgery. Because of the type of fracture, I'm non-weight bearing for six weeks. Otherwise, I'll crush the bone and develop arthritis. The earliest I can have the surgery is the first of February, which should get me off crutches to walk down the aisle with my bride. But, will kill any hope of the day hikes we wanted to do on our honeymoon.

"When it rains, it pours."

My Jeep has a broken oil pressure sensor, bent radiator, faulty windows, the passenger door lock is only manual, and has three blown speakers. And, its the only transportation I have, since I won't be able to ride a bike 'til June or so.

"When it rains, it pours."

This year for Christmas, I will/have received a pair of bike shoes and pedals for my mountain bike. I ordered a helmet two and a half months ago that arrived last week. I was given a nice CamelBak to ride with by a friend. And, I was finally feeling like I wasn't dying when finishing the trail that I hoped to race on it May. All of that stuff is useless now.

"When it rains, it pours."

This year, at the GCSC Halloween party, Abbie dressed as the Morton Salt girl. You know, the cute girl in a yellow slicker with an umbrella carrying an upside-down box of salt. The slogan for the Morton Salt company is, "When it rains, it pours." You see, when salt is exposed to moisture, it cakes. It forms lumps and you can't shake it on your food or pour it out of the box into the measuring spoon. Morton Salt solved this by adding an anti-clumping agent to their salt. Now whenever it rains, Morton Salt will still pour. It takes a phrase that smacks of pessimism and gives you hope. The Bible is full of salt metaphors, Elisha salting the water, salt of the earth, and so on. Maybe this is my salt, when it rains, the salt still pours.

I have a loving and supportive fiancee.
When it rains, it pours.
I have a loving and supportive family.
When it rains, it pours.
I have a loving and supportive church.
When it rains, it pours.
My future in-laws are concerned and caring.
When it rains, it pours.
I received a $500 check in the mail that will cover my MRI.
When it rains, it pours.
I received a free liturgical prayer book to boost my prayer life.
When it rains, it pours.
My fiancee has finished her degree, is looking to set up a studio for herself, and will be marrying me April 2nd.
When it rains, it pours.
I serve a risen Savior. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

When it rains, He still pours out His blessings and my cup over flows...
with salt.

DIOS le bendiga