Friday, October 29, 2010

Cold Air, Hot Shower

It's finally here.

In the name of efficiency and environmentalism (yeah right, I'm a cheapskate), we don't have any climate control in our apartment. We just open the windows. This morning the apartment was chilly. As I went to take my shower, I turned the water up to hot and prepared myself for what would happen next. That painful feeling of hot water meeting cold skin. All my nerve endings shrieked as they violently adjusted to this new sensation. Though painful my brain does not shirk away from the steaming stream, but forces me into this little spinning dance to quickly warm my body with the water so that it adjust to the new-found warmth.

As I've written before in my "Spiritual Dump" post, I feel the bathroom is the best place to think. (As does Daron) It's been a tough row to how the last month or so. Most of it self-inflicted. (By the way, I'm sorry I haven't posted since July. There have been so many post that I've let slip through my fingers like the proverbial sand.) I don't want to call it depression, though it did have the symptoms, because I feel those with depression deserve to call it their own and don't need whiny brats like me to claim their condition when it's really just me not doing what I'm here to do. Back to the shower. This morning my mind began to warm up with my body.

I've missed blogging, more specifically writing. Writing is a very intelligent thing, especially this free-flowing kind that is recently coming back into favor with the advent of blogs, yet being destroyed by the frenetic twitter. It's also cliche because I want to sit in Jittery Joe's typing, just so people know I'm writing (very conceited and snobbish, I know).

So here it is on the eve of the eve of All Hallow's Eve, I want to recommit to this offbeat blog. (Get it because, its beats 2 and 4 ... haha... groan) But, I don't want to recommit without support. So get out the vote. Comment away. Let me know what you think. Invite other people to read. Yeah, there might be stuff you don't agree with. There's stuff on this blog I'm not proud of. I will not delete it because I want you to see my mistakes and flawed logic. The controversy creates conversation. There's no guarantee it will be daily, or should it? Help me make this a blog people want to read. Do you want pissed-off ramblings? Journal entries? Daily devotional thoughts? All the above? Let me know.

DIOS le bendiga