Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last night just as I was about to go to bed the power flashed on and off several times then shut off completely. The wind howled outside.

This morning you could tell there was power last night. Piles of leaves were heaped in the roads that still shone with the rain from last night. The wind blew all day long trying to rip leaves that trees that stubbornly held on to. You could tell there was strength. Strength beyond human control. Yes, we harness the wind for energy, for transportation, and for fun. But, we have no control over it.

The first night on trail I spent in Glacier NP, I lived in fear of the invisible wind. We camped in a valley between Pitamakin and Triple Divide Peaks. The wind seemed to slosh in the large bowl. It would rush down the slopes of one side, down through the valley, and up the opposing slope where it would lose its energy and slip back down to assault the valley once more. We were surrounded by tall pines the creaked and groaned and ached against the wind. Standing up more from tradition than resistance.

I thought back to when Elijah was on the run from Jezebel and was led to a cave to talk to God. God sent three signs: wind, fire, and an earthquake. But, He was not in any of the three. The wind He sent cracked the rocks. Today, there were many branches that were tossed down by wind (one of which landed on my power line). I understand wood being cracked and splintered by storms, wood heavy with water buffeted by gust cannot withstand for long. I see pictures of palm trees bent by hurricanes and oaks lifted by tornados, but rocks being cracked? That's a wind. The LORD finally spoke to Elijah in a small voice. After He flexed His muscle, God showed Elijah that He didn't need to speak loudly to be heard because He holds all power of creation in His hands.

So today I walked around in God's power, every gust against my face, every leaf whipped around my feet, the ominous sky all reminded me that I serve the LORD God who, not only holds all the power of creation in His hand, but also upholds me with His hand. I had an odd bravery today. Like God has set a hedge around me that will never fail. I could almost see the angels that were revealed to Elisha that stood guard all around. They defended me from Hamlet's slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and I am grateful.

Vaya con Dios